Results for 'Oliver S. Ikenberry'

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  1.  69
    Book Review Section 3. [REVIEW]Lewis E. Cloud, J. Theodore Klein & Oliver S. Ikenberry - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (3):309-314.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Jerry Miner, George A. Male, George W. Bright, Cole S. Brembeck, Ronald E. Hull, Roger R. Woock, Ralph J. Erickson, Oliver S. Ikenberry, William F. O'neill, William H. Hay, David Neil Silk, Gail Zivin & David Conrad - unknown
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    Dickens and Race.Oliver S. Buckton - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (5-6):594-596.
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    Patience is a virtue: cooperative people have lower discount rates.Oliver S. Curry, Michael E. Price & Jade G. Price - unknown
    Reciprocal altruism involves foregoing an immediate benefit for the sake of a greater long-term reward. It follows that individuals who exhibit a stronger preference for future over immediate rewards should be more disposed to engage in reciprocal altruism – in other words, ‘patient’ people should be more cooperative. The present study tested this prediction by investigating whether participants’ contributions in a public-good game correlated with their ‘discount rate’. The hypothesis was supported: patient people are indeed more cooperative. The paper discusses (...)
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    The progress of lay involvement in the NHS Research and Development programme.S. Oliver - 1996 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2 (4):273-280.
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    Becoming Readers in a Complex Society: NSSE 83rd Year-Book, Part I.Walter H. Clark, Alan C. Purves & Olive S. Niles - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (1):124.
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  7. The integrative framework for the behavioural sciences has already been discovered, and it is the adaptationist approach.Michael E. Price, William M. Brown & Oliver S. Curry - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):39-40.
    The adaptationist framework is necessary and sufficient for unifying the social and natural sciences. Gintis's “beliefs, preferences, and constraints” (BPC) model compares unfavorably to this framework because it lacks criteria for determining special design, incorrectly assumes that standard evolutionary theory predicts individual rationality maximisation, does not adequately recognize the impact of psychological mechanisms on culture, and is mute on the behavioural implications of intragenomic conflict. (Published Online April 27 2007).
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  8. The Sickle under the Hammer; The Russian Socialist Revolutionaries in the Early Months of Soviet Rule.Oliver Henry Radkey, Samuel H. Baron & S. V. Utechin - 1965 - Science and Society 29 (3):338-343.
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    Effects of symmetry, texture, and monocular viewing on geographical slant estimation.S. Oliver Daum & Heiko Hecht - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 64:183-195.
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  10. Service Variability and Consumer Perceptions of Value and Quality.S. McQuitty, M. R. Hyman, R. Oliver, P. Sautter & A. Stratemeyer - forthcoming - Nmsu Department of Marketing Working Paper Series.
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    Faking on direct, indirect, and behavioural measures of spider fear: Can you get away with it?Oliver Langner, Machteld Ouwens, Marjolein Muskens, Julia Trumpf, Eni S. Becker & Mike Rinck - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (3):549-558.
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    Psychoanalysis, Aesthetics, and Politics in the Work of Julia Kristeva.Kelly Oliver & S. K. Keltner (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    Considers the social and political significance of Kristeva’s oeuvre.
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    Creating and Implementing Global Codes of Conduct: An Assessment of the Sullivan Principles as a Role Model for Developing International Codes of Conduct—Lessons Learned and Unlearned.S. Prakash Sethi & Oliver F. Williams - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (2):169-200.
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  14. CIDO, a community-based ontology for coronavirus disease knowledge and data integration, sharing, and analysis.Oliver He, John Beverley, Gilbert S. Omenn, Barry Smith, Brian Athey, Luonan Chen, Xiaolin Yang, Junguk Hur, Hsin-hui Huang, Anthony Huffman, Yingtong Liu, Yang Wang, Edison Ong & Hong Yu - 2020 - Scientific Data 181 (7):5.
    Ontologies, as the term is used in informatics, are structured vocabularies comprised of human- and computer-interpretable terms and relations that represent entities and relationships. Within informatics fields, ontologies play an important role in knowledge and data standardization, representation, integra- tion, sharing and analysis. They have also become a foundation of artificial intelligence (AI) research. In what follows, we outline the Coronavirus Infectious Disease Ontology (CIDO), which covers multiple areas in the domain of coronavirus diseases, including etiology, transmission, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, (...)
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    Behavioral and Neural Effects of Familiarization on Object-Background Associations.Oliver Baumann, Jessica McFadyen & Michael S. Humphreys - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Associative memory is the ability to link together components of stimuli. Previous evidence suggests that prior familiarization with study items affects the nature of the association between stimuli. More specifically, novel stimuli are learned in a more context-dependent fashion than stimuli that have been encountered previously without the current context. In the current study, we first acquired behavioral data from 62 human participants to conceptually replicate this effect. Participants were instructed to memorize multiple object-scene pairs and were then tested on (...)
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    A Book That Shook the World: Essays on Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species.Julian S. Huxley, Theodosius Dobzhansky, Reinhold Niebuhr, Oliver L. Reiser & Swami Nikhilananda - 1958 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    This collection features five essays from noted theologians, philosophers, geneticists, and biologists who discuss the sweeping impact of Charles Darwin's _On the Origin of Species_ on their respective fields. This volume, edited by Ralph Buchsbaum, professor of biology at the University of Pittsburgh, was published to celebrate the centenary of Darwin's announcement in 1858, along with Alfred Russel Wallace, of their independent discovery of the process of natural selection. Darwin's book was published one year later.
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    Consciousness, Liberation, and Health Delivery Systems.S. K. Lindemann & E. L. Oliver - 1982 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 7 (2):135-152.
    Written from the perspective of philosophy of liberation, this essay holds that the reform of basic human relationships and their cultural instantiation(s) is central to all serious societal change. The essay analyzes naive, mythological, and critical consciousness. It examines how these modes of consciousness are embodied in the health delivery system and then describes areas where practitioners and patients of critical consciousness might work for greater humanization of health care.
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  18. Service variability and its consequence for pricing.S. McQuitty, E. T. Sautter, R. Oliver, E. Pratt & M. R. Hyman - forthcoming - Annual Western Decision Sciences Institute Proceedings.
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    An analysis of the unit of measurement of the galvanic skin response.Oliver L. Lacey & Paul S. Siegel - 1949 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 39 (1):122.
  20. Teologia ed esperienza spirtuale in Anselmo d'Aosta: una forma teologica paradossale.Roberto Nardin & O. S. B. Oliv - 2014 - In Alfredo Simón, Conoscenza ed affectus in Anselmo d'Aosta: atti del simposio internazionale in occasione del 900° anniversario dalla morte di S. Anselmo d'Aosta, Facoltà di filosofia del Pontificio Ateneo di Sant'Anselmo di Roma, 21-22 aprile 2009. Roma: Pontificio Ateneo Sant'Anselmo.
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  21. Risk and protective factors for mental ill-health in elite para- and non-para athletes.Lisa S. Olive, Simon M. Rice, Caroline Gao, Vita Pilkington, Courtney C. Walton, Matt Butterworth, Lyndel Abbott, Gemma Cross, Matti Clements & Rosemary Purcell - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo apply a socioecological approach to identify risk and protective factors across levels of the “sports-ecosystem,” which are associated with mental health outcomes among athletes in para-sports and non-para sports. A further aim is to determine whether para athletes have unique risks and protective factor profiles compared to non-para athletes.MethodsA cross-sectional, anonymous online-survey was provided to all categorized athletes aged 16 years and older, registered with the Australian Institute of Sport. Mental health outcomes included mental health symptoms, general psychological distress, (...)
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    The "Iron Law" of Business Responsibility Revisited: Lessons from South AfricaEconomic Imperatives and Ethical Values in Global Business: The South African Experience and International Codes Today.James E. Post, S. Prakash Sethi & Oliver F. Williams - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (2):265.
  23.  30
    Kristeva's Imaginary Father and the Crisis in the Paternal FunctionBlack Sun: Depression and MelancholiaIn the Beginning Was Love: Psychoanalysis and FaithPowers of HorrorStrangers to OurselvesTales of Love. [REVIEW]Kelly Oliver, Julia Kristeva, Leon S. Roudiez & Leon Roudiez - 1991 - Diacritics 21 (2/3):43.
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    Why the Liberal World Order Will Survive.G. John Ikenberry - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (1):17-29.
    The crisis of the American-led international order would seem to open up new opportunities for rising states—led by China, India, and other non-Western developing countries—to reshape the global order. As their capacities and influence grow, will these states rise up and integrate into the existing order or will they seek to overturn and reorganize it? The realist hegemonic perspective expects today's power transition to lead to growing struggles between the West and the “rest” over global rules and institutions. In contrast, (...)
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    1.1 Public, Relational and Organizational Trust in Economic Affairs1.Karen S. Cook & Oliver Schilke - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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    Bartleby, the Scrivener.Egbert S. Oliver - 2010 - In Harold Bloom Blake Hobby, Bloom's Literary Themes: Civil Disobedience. pp. 59.
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  27. The effects of attitudinal and demographic factors on intention to buy pirated CDs: The case of Chinese consumers.Kenneth K. Kwong, Oliver H. M. Yau, Jenny S. Y. Lee, Leo Y. M. Sin & C. B. Alan - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (3):223-235.
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    William James's "Springs of delight": the return to life.Phil Oliver - 2001 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    This enterprising book, written in the spirit of William James, urges our appreciation of the intensely personal character of spiritual transcendence. Phil Oliver's work has important implications for specialists concerned with the Jamesian concept of "pure experience," and it illuminates significant interdisciplinary ties among philosophy, literature, and other intellectual domains.
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    Training of Tonal Similarity Ratings in Non-Musicians: A “Rapid Learning” Approach.Mathias S. Oechslin, Damian Läge & Oliver Vitouch - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Man's new image of man.Oliver Leslie Reiser - 1961 - Pittsburgh,: Boxwood Press.
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    Canonical functions, non-regular ultrafilters and Ulam's problem on 1.Oliver Deiser & Hans-Dieter Donder - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (3):713-739.
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    Blanshard’s Critique of Ethical Subjectivism.Oliver A. Johnson - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (2):140-154.
    Brand Blanshard devotes a substantial part of his book Reason and Goodness to a discussion of ethical subjectivism. It need hardly be said that his discussion is critical; Blanshard is a thoroughgoing ethical objectivist. Nevertheless, although he rejects subjectivism as an ethical theory, he is fully appreciative of the importance of subjective elements—emotions, feelings, attitudes—in our ordinary, practical moral activities. He recognizes these, along with reason, to be essential parts of the good life for human beings.
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    Hume's True Scepticism.Oliver A. Johnson - 1981 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 62 (4):403-410.
  34.  12
    The Uncertain Structure of Process Review in the EU: Beyond the Debate on the CJEU’s Weiss Ruling and the German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Ruling.Oliver Gerstenberg - 2021 - Jus Cogens 3 (3):279-301.
    The obligation to provide reasons may appear rather a simple and straightforward, but in actual practice—as the mutually antagonistic Weiss rulings of the CJEU and the German Bundesverfassungsgericht amply demonstrate—is fraught with constitutional complication. On the one side, there lies the concern with a deeply intrusive form of judicial review which substitutes judicially determined “good” reasons for those of the reviewee decisionmaker—legislatures, administrative agencies, or, as in Weiss, the European Central Bank. On the other side lies the concern with judicial (...)
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    (1 other version)Meister Eckhart's Ethical Universalism, Confucianism, and the Future of Christianity.Oliver Davies - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):651-668.
    Meister Eckhart is known for having developed a sophisticated form of inclusivist Christian universalism in the late Middle Ages. This universalism arose from the particular “globalizing” contexts of his times, for which there are real parallels in our own day. The author argues that in key respects, Eckhart's ethical universalism shows strong affinities with Confucian principles, and can be informed by these as set out historically by Xinzhong Yao and in a contemporary setting by Tu Weiming. In the conclusion, the (...)
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  36. Religion, virtue and the ennobling of democracy: Tocqueville's vision of civic society.Oliver Hidalgo - 2014 - In Zbigniew Rau & Marek Tracz-Tryniecki, Tocquevillian Ideas: Contemporary European Perspectives. Lanham, Maryland: Upa.
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    Reconceptualizing Individual Differences in Self-Enhancement Bias: An Interpersonal Approach.Virginia S. Y. Kwan, Oliver P. John, David A. Kenny, Michael H. Bond & Richard W. Robins - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (1):94-110.
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  38. Mr Elliot's "Defence of Scientific Materialism".Oliver Lodge - 1916 - Hibbert Journal 15:150.
  39.  44
    Kristeva's Reformation.Kelly Oliver - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):20-25.
    In my brief remarks, I consider what it means to return and rebind—that is to say, the significance of the re for Kristeva’s thought. Kristeva does not just talk about binding or birth, or unbinding or death, but rather rebinding and rebirth, suggesting that it is a retrospective return rather than an original moment that is crucial. The most significant moment, then, is not the moment of imaginary plenitude, nor the moment of originary loss, but rather the moment of rebirth (...)
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  40. Spinoza's theory of sovereignty.Oliver W. Lembcke - 2019 - In Wolfgang Bartuschat, Stephan Kirste & Manfred Walther, Naturalism and democracy: a commentary on Spinoza's political treatise in the context of his system. Boston: Brill.
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    Socratism in Galen’s psychological works.Oliver Overwien, Wolfram Brunschön & Christian Brockmann - 2009 - In Oliver Overwien, Wolfram Brunschön & Christian Brockmann, Antike Medizin Im Schnittpunkt von Geistes- Und Naturwissenschaftenancient Medicine at the Interface of Humanities and Sciences: Internationale Fachtagung Aus Anlass des 100-Jährigen Bestehens des Akademievorhabens "Corpus Medicorum Graecorum/Latinorum". Walter de Gruyter.
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    Russia's postcolonial identity: a subaltern empire in a eurocentric world.Oliver Stuenkel - 2015 - Ethics and Global Politics 8 (1).
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    László Moholy-Nagy's New Vision and the Aestheticization of Scientific Photography in Weimar Germany.Oliver A. I. Botar - 2004 - Science in Context 17 (4):525-556.
    ArgumentI propose that both Moholy-Nagy's suggestions that products of applied, particularly scientific, photography be employed as exemplars for art photography, and his practice of integrating such applied photographs with art photographs in his publications and exhibitions, laid the groundwork for an aestheticization of scientific photography within the twentieth-century artistic avant-garde. This photographic “New Vision,” formulated in the 1920s, also effected a kind of “scientization” of art photography. Rather than Positivist mechanism, however, I argue that the science at play was “biocentrism,” (...)
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  44. Nietzsche's abjection.Kelly Oliver - 1994 - In Peter J. Burgard, Nietzsche and the feminine. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia. pp. 53--70.
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    Is Plantinga’s A/c Model an Example of Ideologically Tainted Philosophy?Oliver Wiertz - 2015 - In Dieter Schönecker, Plantinga's Warranted Christian Belief: Critical Essays with a Reply by Alvin Plantinga. De Gruyter. pp. 83-114.
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    To Be, or Not to Be in Bad Faith: The Tragedy of Hamlet’s Superficial Reading of Sartre’s Waiter.Oliver George Downing - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1):254-265.
  47. The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-25.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchangewith Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shownthrough experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinozadisagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed itsstate and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature asrational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge ofessences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open tomultiple interpretations. I argue for an alternative (...)
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  48. Kant's Conception of Human Dignity.Oliver Sensen - 2009 - Kant Studien 100 (3):309-331.
    In this article I argue that Kant's conception of dignity is commonly misunderstood. On the basis of a few passages in the Grundlegung scholars often attribute to Kant a view of dignity as an absolute inner value all human beings possess. However, a different picture emerges if one takes into account all the passages in which Kant uses ‘dignity’. I shall argue that Kant's conception of dignity is a more Stoic one: He conceives of dignity as sublimity ( Erhabenheit ) (...)
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  49. There Are No Just Wars.David Rodin & Oliver O'Donovan’S. Divergent - 2008 - Ars Disputandi 8:1566-5399.
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    Panentheism and the Conception of the Ultimate in John B. Cobb’s Process Philosophy.Oliver Li - 2019 - Sophia 58 (4):631-643.
    The concept of ultimate reality has an important role in the metaphysics of religious pluralism. John B. Cobb—a process philosopher in the Whiteheadian tradition—has suggested not only two ultimates, like other process philosophers, but three ultimates: God, creativity, and the cosmos. Based on this, I argue, firstly, that Cobb’s tripartite conception of the ultimate offers greater conceptual resources for inter-religious dialog than, for example, John Hick’s conception of ultimate reality or ‘the Real’. In support of this first claim, I will (...)
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